English: Old print in Darłowo Castle with genealogical information about King Eric the Pomeranian of Scandinavia, as released by image creator Ristesson; Place: Darłowo, Poland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We’re all talking about NERGC here in the North East. NERGC? So what’s NERGC? It’s the acronym for the New England Regional Genealogical Consortium. NERGC orchestrates a biennial conference at strategic cities here in New England. Now it’s not RootsTech..nowhere near the size. I believe RT had approximately 30,000 registrants this year, give or take 10,000.
No, NERGC is quite a bit smaller but of no less significance or importance to the genealogical community here. Speakers, sponsored luncheons and dinners, workshops, society meetings, exhibitor hall with unopposed exhibit hours, speakers with national, regional and local recognition… NERGC has it all.
I can tick off a list of reasons why I took 4 days out my own very busy schedule to attend.
First, the opportunity to network with people who I know well, but only via social media: Facebook, Google Communities, Webinars, Google Hangouts on Air, the whole spectrum! I can tell you that it’s one thing to communicate virtually, but there’s nothing like looking across the table with a genealogy friend and sharing a meal or just a cup of coffee. It’s what I would call a mini-conference. There were mini-conferences going on all day, every day.
Second, I’d have to count the sessions that were held on all aspects of genealogy, family research and technology. As a matter of fact, the entire first day was devoted to librarians, teachers and technology. Not a bad place to be on Wednesday! And I know that those who attended would agree.
Next, I’d count the individual specialty programs such as the “Ancestor Road Show.” This program is well attended and by reservation only! A busy time for the NERGC volunteers,
And on the subject of volunteers, there are dozens of devoted genealogists at all levels of knowledge and experience in every field, volunteers who spend hours and hours in the planning and execution of each conference.
The Exhibition Hall was jam packed with representatives from many vendors and societies. The
The coat of arms of the Committee on Heraldry of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
genealogy website MyHeritage was represented as well as the American-French Genealogical Society, Heritage Books, Lisa Louise’s Genealogy Gems, the Gravestone Girls, New England Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, New England Historic Genealogical Society, citation software vendor Evidentia, and many, many more.
So now we all have to wait until April of 2017 for the next NERGC conference which will be held at the MassMutual Center
See you there!